
Rania's writing space

In a land where pride and wrath are nurtured from boyhood, routed by centuries of ruthlessness, submerged beneath the hard toil, buried in a way of life that would afford no sentiment, there not even a spark of pity can fight through. What have women done to endure such grotesque retribution? To be murdered, raped, exploited, enslaved, to get importunely impregnated, beaten up, bullied, disinherited? Is it the immutable law of nature? Or are we simply the victim of a vendetta?

Another day another woman screeches for justice, venting her hopeless fury, the image of such heinous act leaves her with nothing but self-loathing. Little does she know in world where subtle expressions of grief were misconstrued, men dominant in all spheres are jealous of our supremacy in sorrow. They shall now lament the loudest.


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